Rock YOur Beauty Blog

Here you will find personal, educational, and inspirational blogs created by Rock Your Beauty board members as well as external guest bloggers.

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Sian Bitner-Kearney Sian Bitner-Kearney

Unveiling Your True Essence: A Woman’s Manifesto for Authentic Living

In an era saturated with curated illusions and dictated aesthetics, the act of living authentically is sometimes seen as a bold declaration of independence. It’s a revolution of the self, a commitment to the essence of who you are. Here’s why this revolution is not just necessary, but vital.

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Sian Bitner-Kearney Sian Bitner-Kearney

Find the Strength

Passion, independence, confidence, empathy, forgiveness, support, emotional intelligence, caring, and pride—I could go on and on about how women find the strength to embody many amazing traits that make us... well, us. We endure, we learn, and we guide, yet mental health illnesses among women are on the rise. In fact, one in five women (19%) experiences a common mental disorder such as anxiety or depression. Why?

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