Find the Strength

Written by: Jessica Bryant

Passion, independence, confidence, empathy, forgiveness, support, emotional intelligence, caring, and pride—I could go on and on about how women find the strength to embody many amazing traits that make us... well, us.  We endure, we learn, and we guide, yet mental health illnesses among women are on the rise. In fact, one in five women (19%) experiences a common mental disorder (such as anxiety or depression) (Agenda Alliance). Why?  

 As women, we take on different roles, ranging from spouse, mother, caregiver (young children or our parents), primary educator, friend, professional, and manager of family income. While some of us may not be tackling all these roles at once, they still require us to find the strength to navigate them. I don’t know about you, but I’m guilty of taking on so many of these roles, not because I feel I’m required to, but because I care about my family and friends and want to support them in any way I can and help them succeed.  

 However, women are increasingly dealing with depression, anxiety disorders, and even eating disorders. Avery Lane says this is a result of internalizing societal expectations and struggling to reconcile them with their authentic selves. The constant pressure to navigate a world rife with bias and inequality takes a toll on mental health.   

I have dealt with many of these myself. Depression when I lost my brother and my inability to focus when there are multiple people talking to me at once or when I’m in a loud, crowded space. How did I overcome it? Honestly, I haven’t. I found my strength by talking with others who listened, speaking up and saying, “Hey, I need a minute to gather myself” or “I’m not comfortable,” and connecting with others. Is it easy? Nope. Some days are harder than others, but I find the strength in listening and talking to others or just taking a few minutes of quiet time to breathe and readjust.  

 That’s the beauty of Rock Your Beauty, and that's why I’ve participated in the fashion show since 2023. It’s a platform to support each other through any hardship. I specifically joined to gain more confidence in myself and connect with other women, and Rock Your Beauty has 100% provided that and more! 

 It’s not easy being a woman, and it’s not easy to be mentally strong all the time, and that’s ok. Just remember, you are not alone. If we persist in mutual support throughout these journeys in our lives, our passion, independence, confidence, empathy, forgiveness, supportiveness, emotional intelligence, caring nature, pride, and resilience will echo through generations to come, ensuring that our ability to find strength remains a legacy. 


My Rock YOur Beauty Story: Diane Chu


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