Suck it, Summertime: Why Summer and Menopause Are the Worst Frenemies

Written by: Sian Bitner-Kearney

Ah, summer! The season of sun, fun, and… hot flashes! If you’re navigating the wild ride of menopause like I am, you know that summer can feel like Mother Nature’s cruel joke. Let’s dive into why summer and menopause are the ultimate frenemies, and why you might just want to hibernate until fall!

The Heat is On… and On… and On…

Summer is already hot enough, but throw in a hot flash, and it’s like living inside a volcano. One minute you’re totally fine, engaging in conversation, looking and feeling normal, and the next you’re sweating like you’ve taken up residency in the Devil’s butt crack! It's not just hot; it's "I need to stick my head in the freezer," hot, and everyone is staring and wondering what's wrong with you.

Wardrobe Woes

Remember those cute summer dresses you bought? Yeah, good luck with that. Menopause means your body temperature is completely unpredictable. One minute you’re freezing, and the next you’re stripping down to your skivvies. For menopausal mamas, layers can be your best friend and your worst enemy. Stick with light pieces that you can easily remove and add back on as your body continues to play tricks on you throughout the day.

Sleep, What’s That?

Summer nights are supposed to be dreamy and relaxing. But when menopause hits, sleep becomes a distant memory. Between night sweats and the heat, you might as well set up camp in front of the AC. Lately, I’ve been sleeping in a t-shirt and shorts with a fan and the bed close to the AC, and I still find myself violently kicking off covers and wiping sweat from my forehead in the middle of the night. I wake up angry because my body has literally been on fire for the past 6–8 hours, and my brain doesn’t understand why the rest of me is completely exhausted!

Sticky Social Situations

Ever tried to explain a hot flash to someone who’s never had one? It’s like trying to describe color to a blind person. “Oh, I’m just having a little hot flash,” you say, while fanning yourself with a menu at a restaurant. You can always tell which friends understand your current personal hell. If they give you a look of sympathy and refill your water glass, that sister from another mister knows what’s happening to you and can be counted on to continue fanning you when you pass out from internal heat exhaustion. As for the ladies who laugh quietly, just hold your tongue, Mother Nature will make her way to them soon enough and Karma is a sweaty, uncomfortable shade of miserable. In the meantime, just smile back and start plotting your move to Antarctica.

 The Not-So-Great Outdoors

Summer is all about outdoor activities, right? Wrong. When you’re dealing with menopause, the idea of a picnic, a short walk, or a hike sounds about as appealing as a root canal. Bugs, heat, and the constant need for shade make you long for the cool, dark confines of your living room. It’s even more difficult when you have friends and family who LOVE being outdoors in the summer. Remember, it’s okay to say “no” to the occasional invitation. When you must RSVP, “yes,” come with a fan in hand, find the shadiest spot you can, and keep those cool drinks flowing!

Beauty Battles: I’m Melting, I’m Melting!

Makeup in summer is already a challenge, but add in menopause, and it’s a full-blown war. Foundation melts, mascara runs, and don’t even get me started on the hair frizz. It’s like trying to look fabulous in a steam room. I literally look like a completely different person in the summer! My face is always red; I’m glistening, but not in the sexy glowing kind of way; there’s not a curl to be found in my crazy hair; and my expression looks like I hate everyone in the room. When it comes to beauty and summertime, it is just what it is. Do your best, and search far and wide for air conditioning.

All in all, sometimes all you can do is laugh. Menopause is a wild ride, but humor makes it bearable – well, humor and an icy margarita! So, here’s to surviving summer with menopause. May your drinks be cold, your fans be powerful, and your sense of humor be strong enough to carry you into fall!


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